We are celebrating the 2021 graduation season and having a little fun with this special section to highlight individual members with Chamber Member Superlative Awards. Our Chamber is blessed with an array of talented people and lively personalities and we know it’s that energy and spirit that makes the Chamber what it is today.

Most Likely to Be Caught Studying in Their Office
Kirby Asplund, The Asplund Group, LLC

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

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Most Likely to Have Perfect Attendance
Carson Graff, Central Bank of the Midwest

“Just because something works doesn’t mean that it cannot be improved.”
– Shuri, Black Panther

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Best Chamber Power Couple
Brad & Shirley Boyer, B Positively Promoting U, Inc.

“B Positive, love what you do and work hard! We POSITIVELY love our life and BPPU! Our partnership with the Chamber has led to great business relationships and friends. We are so thankful for it all!” – Brad & Shirley

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Most Likely to Be caught Sleeping in a Chamber Meeting
Carl Chinnery, Chinnery Evans & Nail, P.C.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will get better – it will not.”
– Dr Theodore Seuss Geisel

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Most Chamber Spirit
Tina Walcutt, Door Systems, Inc.

“Let not one person take away your sparkle today. Shine bright and have a fabulous day!”

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Most Likely to Win the Lottery and Lose the Ticket
Bev Howe, B & T Specialties

“Look who didn’t lose the ticket!” – Bev

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Most Likely to become Internet Famous
John Beaudoin, KC Communication & Media Matters

“When Al Gore and I invented the Internet back in 1994, I could not have foreseen the global impact we were truly having. More than 25 years later, to know that I have achieved Internet fame, it’s an honor and a culmination of many years of mindless selfies, ridiculous weather reports, mocking public officials and clips of my daughter acting a fool.” – John

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Most Likely to Have their Photo on a $20 Bill
Bob Glaser, CommunityAmerica

“The most important aspects of our lives are our RELATIONSHIPS with our family, our friends and our co-workers and our customers or clients. Our Relationships are strengthened if “we always look for reasons to say YES to THEIR NEEDS!” – Bob

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Life of the Party
Vic Cundiff, Weed Man

Vic lives for nights to remember with friends she’ll never forget. From being an honorary Chamber staff member to Oktoberfest golf cart drives through sonic, code twelves and singing Journey on Douglas Street, golf tournament hailstorms, and “Sayonara” slip-ups at Gala she never fails to make memories with Chamber friends.

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Most Likely to Succeed
Sarah Barnaby, Lee’s Summit Nutrition

It’s not a motto but ever since I made the decision to start this journey I have #doitscared written everywhere.