Business Resources

We're Here to Help.

Starting or running your own business is hard work. It’s a journey filled with uncertainty and apprehension that can leave you feeling overwhelmed if you don’t know where to turn for answers.

The Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce is committed to your success. We have listed resources below that you can take advantage of to further your professional development. 


U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization and network. Members range from small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country to startups in fast-growing industries, leading industry associations, and global corporations.

Access their site here.

U.S. Senate

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARE Act)
The office of Senator Roy Blunt provided the Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce with a comprehensive overview of the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act” of the “CARE” Act. This act will provide emergency aid to the businesses, families and individuals affected by the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.

Download a simple, step-by-step guide to understanding the CARE Act.
Read an outline of the act here.
Read the act broken down by section here.
Read the complete act from the Senate floor here.

Emergency Family Relief Act
U.S. Senator for Missouri, Josh Hawley, is a driving force behind the Emergency Family Relief Act of 2020. His office has supplied the Chamber with an overview of the act and a transcript of the bill he presented on the Senate floor.

Access an overview of the act here.
Access a transcript of the bill here.

U.S. Department of Labor

The U.S. Department of Labor has resources to help workers and employers prepare for the COVID-19 virus (also known as novel coronavirus).

Access their site here.

Missouri Dept. of Health & Senior Services

The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services is providing daily updates and resources, specifically directed at seniors and the medically vulnerable.

Access their site here.

Missouri Dept. of Economic Development

The Missouri Department of Economic Development has released a form for businesses deemed “non-essential” to apply for reclassification. If you believe your business to be essential to public health and safety, submit the waiver below.

Submit a waiver here.

Mid America Regional Council (MARC)

The Mid America Regional Council (MARC) is providing guidance and universal resources for the process of reopening and recovery.

Access their main website, here.
Access their preparation website (Prepare Metro KC), here.
Access their Safe Return KC Guide, here.

Jackson County

Jackson County Health Department
We are working closely with the Jackson County Health Department to provide the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in our area.
Access their site here.
See FAQ’s here.
Questioning whether your business is designated “essential” under the multi-county “Stay at Home” order? See the official designations here.
Updated Protocol: November 2020
On Friday, November 20, Jackson County will exit the multi-phase approach of recovery and enter what the county is calling “Safer at Home” guidelines. We encourage our members become familiar with the detailed overview of these new guidelines, to ensure they are in compliance with county protocol. Read the overview, here.
This new order has been confusing for both businesses and individuals. In advance of the official mandate, the county has provided further clarifications and FAQs. Read in more detail below:

Clarification 11.19.20: JACO changed their “hard deadline” on restaurants closing at 10 p.m. They agreed with the following statement:

Last call is at 10 and anyone in the restaurant or bar could finish their food/drink and leave in a reasonable amount of time. (30 mins). This would be how restaurants/bars normally operate with their closing times. If they are forced to kick people out at 10 things will get confrontational and put everyone at risk. I really think we need to allow them to finish their visit and no sales for dine in rung up after 10.

Clarification 11.19.20: JACO also clarified the Gathering Protocol requirement. An event space only has to submit the Gathering Protocol once.
One quick correction to note: just one gathering protocol submission is needed for the event space instead of a gathering protocol for each event.


The gathering number is confusing does gathering mean event space. For instance we have events booked that do not exceed the 50% occupancy of the lowest occupancy but does exceed 10 people?
Gatherings: include, but are not limited to, non-essential business activities, such as: weddings, funerals, lectures, meetings, parades, fairs, festivals, sporting events, and performances. All events will need to submit a gathering protocol if they exceed 10 people.
Where are 10 people the limit? Where are 50% capacity the limit? How is this different from previous orders? 10 person for gatherings, 50% for all businesses and churches. Used to be 100 person limit. Also different: masks are now required in gyms.

Does this apply to churches? If so, how?
Yes, churches now fall under 50%.
What about events at venues that have already been approved under the previous rules?
If they are in a gray area of transition (like before Thanksgiving) they should be fine. If it’s farther in the future than that, they should talk to Environmental Health and possibly revise plans.
How does this apply to school sports? Events that have already been approved?
See above for previously approved events. School sports will need to submit gathering protocol. Masks should be worn to the greatest extent possible during sporting activities. It is recommended that youth athletes wear masks, but not required. If you are unable to wear a mask because of difficulty breathing during high intensity activities, choose an outdoor location with greater ventilation and air exchange and where social distancing from others can be guaranteed. Participants may consult with their primary care provider to determine if vigorous activity while wearing a mask is safe for them. For games to be held with more than 10 spectators, event organizers must submit a gathering protocol. Athletes will not count towards the 10 person maximum at this time.

How are mask requirements going to be enforced at restaurants/bars?
Environmental Health will continue enforcing this.

Does this apply to drive-thru events? If so, how?
An event will still need to submit a gathering protocol.

What are enforcement plans for those that do not comply with closing time? Masks?
Enforcement will be similar to that of other complaints. We will lead with letting the business know of the complaints we received and educate about corrective action. Subsequent follow up will entail the delivery of a notification of non-compliance and ultimately a ticket to the owner of the business if issues are not corrected.

Will businesses be required to report positive cases like the KC order?
The Jackson County Health Department encourages businesses to report multiple positive cases, but it is not required. Cases will be discovered through the normal case investigation process.

Are masks required for all exercise in gyms now?
Yes. If someone has an exemption, they still cannot exercise in gyms.
Does this new order that says people have to stay in their seats means they cannot get up and play pool? I mean they are more socially distanced at a pool table than anywhere else.
“Indoor patrons must be seated, and masked at all times except when actively eating or drinking.” If they play pool, they’ll need to be socially distanced, masked, and items need to be cleaned between patrons.

Does the Environmental Health Director need to cancel all gatherings that have already been authorized?
No, this will be at her discretion of which events need to be reevaluated.

Who will enforce house parties or private events over 10 people?
Unfortunately, this isn’t something that we can enforce at this time.

Restaurants with carryout. Can they provide carryout after 10 p.m.? Such as pizza delivery.
Yes they can continue carryout and drive thru, just no in-person dining.

City Council meetings where the public can participate. Assuming these can continue under the large gathering verbiage. “governmental functions” not prohibited.
No, this was corrected under the amended press release. City councils will also need to submit a gathering protocol.

There is some confusion amongst us bars. Is the County mandate “must remain seated” as it is for Kansas City or can we continue to have pool tables open and pool leagues?
See above.
In church settings are speakers and choirs wearing masks?
Choirs, yes, and we would really advise against choirs at this time. Speakers do not need to wear masks if they are at least 10 feet away from congregants. Also, we’d really advise churches to consider online services at this time.

Employees who are medically exempt – Can we require that a doctors note be on file with the business? – Can we require that a face shield be worn instead of a mask?
No. Face shields aren’t really an acceptable substitute. Please see our business guidance here.
Sporting Events – How much close contact do we allow? Wrestling? Basketball? Is there a recommendation on how many people we can allow on an indoor event?
Right now, our interpretation is that the social distancing component not be applicable to youth athletes. We are going to require them to wear masks per our medical officers recommendation.

    Voting Resources

    State Voting Resources
    The office of the Missouri Secretary of State has released an online voter resource center. Utilize this platform to locate your polling place, find upcoming elections, view candidates, research issues and view your current districts.
    Click here to access the Missouri Voter Resource Center.

    County Voting Resources
    The Jackson County Missouri Election Board is the official and most reliable source to answer all of your voting questions, in anticipation of election day on Tuesday, June 2.
    Click here to access their website.

    Local Voting Resources
    As a result of COVID-19, voting procedures will inevitably look different than those we have been accustomed to over the years. To help citizens prepare for the polls, we are providing virtual booklets that profile candidates for LSR-7 School Board and Lee’s Summit City Council. Each booklet also details issues on the ballot that the Chamber supports.
    Click here to view the LSR-7 School Board Candidate Profiles.
    Click here to view the Lee’s Summit City Council Candidate Profiles.
    You can also watch the LSR-7 Candidate Forum that the Chamber hosted back in March. Click here to watch.

    Small Business Administration

    The U.S. Small Business Association is a key resource for those experiencing the economic impact of the global pandemic crisis.
    Access their general communications here.
    Access information about their Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program here.
    Learn more about the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program here. Apply under the Financial Aid tab.
    Compare all SBA loan offerings and find the right aid for your business here.
    Download the SBA’s Guide to Conquering a Business Disruption

    Financial Aid

    SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan
    The U.S. Small Business Administration provides access to an Economic Injury Disaster Loan that may prove very helpful for businesses in need, as a result of the global pandemic crisis.
    Access information about the Economic Injury Disaster Loan here.
    Just announced 3/31: Apply for an early advance (up to $10,000) on your Economic Injury Disaster Loan here.
    Everything you need to apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan:
    • Three Step Introductory Guide
    • Loan Application
    • Personal Financial Statement
    • Schedule of Liabilities
    • Additional Filing Requirements
    SBA Paycheck Protection Program
    Learn about the Paycheck Protection Program here.
    Apply for the Paycheck Protection Program here.
    Compare and Contrast Loans
    Compare and contrast all of the loan offerings from the SBA to find the right fit for your business. Access a helpful chart here.

    Unemployment Resources

    In the wake of so many Americans experiencing job loss around the country, due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the U.S. Department of Labor has implemented a Shared Work Unemployment Compensation program to help employers avoid layoffs.
    Learn more about the program here.
    Recently experience a layoff due to the global pandemic crisis? Refer to our Job Opportunities webpage or our Facebook page for members looking to hire.
    Educational Advancement Opportunities
    Looking to make a career change or take this time to expand your skills? Consider these exclusive opportunities from our members.
    The Truman Heartland Community Foundation is providing a pathway to higher paying, in-demand careers through job skills training, financial coaching and mentorship. Learn more here.
    Displaced, laid off, terminated, or furloughed workers (and their spouses/partners) now qualify for a 25% tuition discount on all Adult Professional Undergraduate and Graduate programs from Avila University. Learn more here.

    PPE Resources

    Local Database for Purchasing Affordable PPE
    A local, online database has been developed to help businesses of different sizes to find a local PPE provider that is both affordable and accessible for their needs.
    Visit to find the right vendor for your business.
    Bulk Hand Sanitizer Available
    Local printer and member, Single Source U.S., has bulk hand sanitizer available for purchase and safe shipping and handling. One case has four gallons and costs $220 ($55 per gal). Shipping is additional. Two cases or more will get free delivery to the greater KC Metro area. Requires prepayment.
    Contact Brian Miller at 913.522.0136 or for more information.

    Chamber Member Resources

    Chamber Members have access to post on an exclusive newsfeed on our website to get updates about their business out to the public. The Member News feed can be read by anyone and Chamber staff is actively sharing postings with local media outlets and on their Facebook page.
    Consider sharing an update on your business here.
    Archived Virtual Events
    Recess for Success
    Tuesday, April 7 – Mindful health and wellness was discussed with a panel of healthcare specialists. Watch the archived event here.
    Chamber Pandemic Response Plan
    The Chamber will operate based on an internal pandemic response plan. This plan will help us navigate decisions regarding events, programs and meetings in the months to come. Read it here.


    AdamsGabbert will host Job Search Strategies in the Covid Crisis…and Beyond! on May 28th at 11 a.m. Click here to join.

    Attend Road to Recover: Strategies for Business Owners, hosted by the Kansas City Business Journal. Learn more and register here.