Survey Says
Lee’s Summit Chamber Members, what from 2020 are you most tired of?
“My favorite part of owning a coffee shop is hearing the laughter and seeing the smiles on our customer’s faces. I’m tired of not being able to see the smiles behind the masks.”
– Candace Jennings, Whistle Stop Coffee and Mercantile“I’m most tired of missing out on outdoor festivals and music concerts. I can’t wait until they come back.”
– Joey Zarrillo, RE/MAX Heritage-Z Team Realty“All the obstacles that go along with wearing a mask; fogging glasses, not able to wear cute earrings (caught in the ear loop), adult acne, and not being 100% sure who is behind that mask and then not acknowledging with a head nod and smiling eyes.”
– Beverley J. Howe, B&T Specialties, LLC“Isolation. Being isolated for this long is not healthy and will wear anyone down. I look forward to the days of hugging family and shaking hands with people again. Without the ability to physically be around people, its hard to show love. Bring on 2021!”
– Drew Reynolds, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones“I really don’t like how hard it is to hear people talk with masks on!”
– Robyn Miller, Woods Chapel United Methodist Church“I’m most tired of the lack of physical contact with clients and friends. I love the handshake, the pat on the back, or the squeeze and hugs that used to be a part of many meetings. Hopefully, that will come back.”
– Rodney Loesch, LifeGoals Strategies Group“While most might say wearing masks, what I am most tired of is the reduced opportunity to see clients in person. I am thankful for Zoom and Teams, but virtual calls are not the same as in-person interaction.”
– Charles Touzinsky III, Garver“For 2020, I am absolutely done with the phrases ‘fake news’ and ‘main-stream-media.’ Both of these terms are, honestly, lazy in their own rights and show a disconnect among the news consumer. When we simply wash away news we don’t like or agree with as “fake” and we conjure up conspiratorial images of a vast media conglomerate that is forcing its agenda upon us, we do a true disservice to journalism and news gathering.”
– John Beaudoin, KC Communications & Media Matters“I’m tired of the word pivot. Successful business owners change, modify, or pivot their business model all the time to stay relevant. It’s not a new concept, but 2020 seems to think it is.”
– Jane Monroe, Embrace the Grape Beverage Catering